Other than hosting resource-demanding sites, there is a further reason to acquire a virtual or a dedicated server of your own - to start your web hosting company. This is an ever expanding business, as more and more people and businesses start their web presence, so they need web hosting space and a domain name. If you have a server, you can make hosting packages and then sell them, so you can not only cover your own expenses when you host your personal sites on the server too, but you will also make a decent profit by operating a lucrative business. What you need for that is a server, payment software, that will be the link between the reseller website and your web space, plus a business account with a payment processor like PayPal or 2CheckOut, in order to be able to receive online payments. The advantage of reselling server space over the usage of an ordinary reseller program is the fact that your customers will have considerably more system resources and you will be able to set up the server-side software which their sites may need to work effectively. The latter will not be possible with a shared hosting reseller program, because you'll have some restrictions in this regard.

Reselling Options in VPS

The Linux VPS packages that we provide come with several website hosting Control Panels to pick from and two of them are ideal for creating your own web hosting business, as they have a client plus a reseller side. DirectAdmin and cPanel are one of the most widely used Control Panels to choose from and they will help you set up everything in no time. All cPanel-equipped servers come with two more bonuses free of cost - a domain name reseller account with eNom - one of the biggest registrars, which doesn't include the deposit that's normally required when you register directly with them, plus a billing/support solution named ClientExec, that will connect your site to the cPanel reseller account and which will make it easier to charge your clients and to provide them support via an incorporated ticketing system. The full root-level accessibility to the virtual server will enable you to do almost anything you would like, so creating and maintaining a profitable hosting firm of your own is a fast and easy project.

Reselling Options in Dedicated Hosting

With a dedicated server from our company, you will get everything you need to start a flourishing website hosting business quickly. We have several different packages, to give you a chance to select the ideal one when it comes to the resources that you will need and the initial budget that you have at the start. All the servers come with full root access, that will permit you to set up anything your clients may need for their sites. Two of the three hosting Control Panel alternatives that we offer are suitable for starting a reseller business - DirectAdmin and cPanel. They both feature customer and reseller levels and different advantages. When you get the server with DirectAdmin, you can't only have direct clients, but also sub-resellers. When you get your server with cPanel, on the other hand, you'll get an eNom domain name reseller account and the ClientExec billing and support software, that will allow you to offer ticket support and to accept online payments.